Bess Truman Thirty-First First Lady


Bess Truman's Grave





Buried At

Visit Done

Bess Truman

February 13, 1885

October 18, 1982


The Truman Library And Museum Independence, Mo

May 2003

Bess Truman is the longest living First Lady for now. She Died at her home on Delaware St. which is a mile from the library. When you take a tour of the house you have to go about 5 blocks East to get the tickets. The only bad thing about the house is that there is no parking area and you have to park in the street. The inside of the house is the way she left it when she died at home in 1982. The tour guide said that she left everything the same after the President died. When you get by the front door, if you look under the stairs, you will see the Presidents coat, hat, and looks like cane. It even looked like her coat was hanging up to. The upstairs of the house is not open to the public. The National Park Service website has pictures of the upstairs of the house.

The Truman House On Delaware St.




The Truman Library And Museum

The Truman House

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